"My family and I have been attending Aldersgate church since I was in the 3rd grade. I have gone through and volunteered at many Aldersgate’s VBS, I have gone through and volunteered many Aldersgate’s D-now programs and countless summer camps. I used to serve on the coffee team working in the coffee shop and then just making coffee once a month for a few years with my mom. I also used to play bass and guitar in the youth group’s worship team playing almost every time the youth group worshipped together. Aldersgate has been my home for many years."
"This January, I traveled to Nigeria to minister to youth who are internally displaced peoples (IDPs) due to the violence and persecution of the Boko Haram and Fulani Herdsman. We ran a mobilization event calling the youth to be sent out into their communities and spread the gospel to Islamic regions of their country and to the surrounding nations (I can’t give the country name of her name due to security reasons). One of the youth who dedicated her life to missions that night was from a surrounding nation that she had to flee from because of persecution, but that night she felt the call to go back and bring the gospel to her nation that has less than 1% Christians. As far as we know and with the limited contact we have had with her since, she is doing just that – bringing the gospel to even darker areas of the world that us most Americans cannot get visas or enter in. We also saw many youth find healing and forgiveness in Christ for past wounds that the terrorists groups had caused and now they are ministering within their communities and have hope."
"Please pray that the American youth will rise up and respond to the call of missions. Please pray that we would continue hearing vision from God on how he wants our ministry to train and send out new missionaries. Please also be praying for open doors in the places we plan to send missionaries and please pray for protection for us as well. Pray that I learn to trust God fully."