About Us


Reaching the spiritually restless and helping them take their next steps to CONNECT with God, LOVE people, and IMPACT the world.


Every person in every place filling everyday life with Jesus. Every believer is a disciple. And every disciple is called to be a disciple maker.

Our Guide

And Jesus said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, bapti zing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” –Matthew 28:18-20

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: you shall love your neighbor as yourself. –Matthew 22:37-39

Our Values

Found People Find People
Saved People Serve People
Growing People Grow Together
Grateful People Give Generously

Our Next Steps

Know God
Find Freedom
Discover Your Purpose
Make a Difference

Our Strategies

Worship: We strive to cultivate worship experiences where people can encounter God in transcendent ways.

Community: We are committed to sharing life with others in deep, committed relationships.

Mission: We are radically committed to an intense focus on local, national, and global outreach.

Our Story

In the summer of 1985, a passionate and compelling preacher began to knock on the doors of homes in South Lubbock inviting them to a new church experience – into a “heartwarming” encounter with Jesus. On August 4, 1985 a hundred or so people gathered in the gymnasium of All Saints Episcopal school for that first “heartwarming” service and hundreds have been doing so as part of Aldersgate Church since.

The story of Aldersgate Church really all began on Aldersgate Street in London on May 24, 1738 when a young, fiery preacher name John Wesley had his heart “strangely warmed.” It was a moment for Wesley in which his intellectual conviction of Jesus was transformed into a personal relationship. In Wesley’s own words:

In the evening I went very unwillingly to a society in Aldersgate Street, where one was reading Luther's preface to the Epistle to the Romans. About a quarter before nine, while he was describing the change which God works in the heart through faith in Christ, I felt my heart strangely warmed. I felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone, for salvation; and an assurance was given me that He had taken away my sins, even mine, and saved me from the law of sin and death.

Our prayer is that through Aldersgate Church many will continue to experience an encounter with the Spirit of God that strangely warms their hearts. A place where intellectual convictions would be transformed into personal relationships. And that people would experience real life change and transformation through the power of the Holy Spirit.

In fact, we pray that for you!

Welcome to Aldersgate!


Ryan Smallwood

Lead Pastor

Ryan serves as Lead Pastor of Aldersgate Church. He is known for his conversational, relevant approach to teaching and preaching the Bible. He leads out of his passion to help others know God and love Him more. Ryan admits he married way over his head. He and Amy live in Wolfforth and have two adult children - Blake and Jeb.

Points of Contact

Angela Carter

Discipleship Pastor

Angela serves as Aldersgate’s discipleship pastor. Her focus is on helping others experience two of God’s greatest invitations: to be an active follower of Jesus and invite others along too! Angela is fueled by seeing others embrace the freedom that comes in Christ. She teaches and preaches from a place of experience, and that often reveals itself in vulnerability (one of her favorite attributes and challenges to others!). She loves collaboration and change and invites others into brave spaces of change as well. While you’ll often see Angela going 100mph, she admits that her husband Brian keeps her steady and grounded. They are incredibly proud of their two children, Scout and Will.

Points of Contact

Andi Enloe

Hospitality Director

Andi serves as the Hospitality Director at Aldersgate. She is a wife and mom of 2 girls. She loves talking about how Jesus has changed her life. In her role at Aldersgate, she helps church family members find a place to connect and get plugged in. She has a heart for service and wants to help others grow in their connection with the Lord and one another. She would love to discuss how you can take your next steps at Aldersgate.

Points of Contact

Emily Fisher

Kids Pastor

Emily has been serving the church as kids pastor since August of 2019. She has a passion and desire to see kids experience God’s love in a real and tangible way by getting kids out of their seats and into the story! She married her husband, Bailey, in 2017 and their sweet baby girl, Carleton Rae, was born in December 2021. She loves a good conversation and a hot cup of coffee!

Points of Contact

Kim Calderon

Assistant Kids Pastor

Kimberley has been serving as Assistant Kid’s Pastor since August of 2023. Aside from helping Emily with Kid’s Ministry, Kim works more specifically with our preschool and nursery classrooms. She is passionate about early childhood and finding fun, creative ways to share the word with God’s smallest followers. Kim and her husband, Stephen, have been married since 2010 & have one child, Maddox.

Points of Contact

Michael Spaulding

Student Pastor

Michael has served as the Student Pastor since 2024. He is passionate about providing a holistic and robust ministry for students to meet the child-like wonder and curiosity they have about life and faith. He loves seeing and fostering intergenerational connections between kids, students, young adults, and adults. He is captivated by the compassionate and faithful character of God and loves helping people grow in their relationships with Him. Michael loves playing guitar and singing, playing basketball, cooking, and hanging out with his dog Sasha.

Points of Contact

Savannah Moore

Student Ministry Intern

Points of Contact

Ben Ellerbrook

Student Ministry Intern

Points of Contact

Trent Taylor

College and Young Adult Pastor

Trent serves primarily as Aldersgate’s young adult and college pastor but has a heart for men’s ministry, as well as helping Emily and Kim with the kids' ministry. He loves to walk alongside others as a companion on this long and slow journey of life with Christ. His passion in life is to help others see themselves as part of the narrative God is writing, and to encourage them as they become more consciously aware of the presence of God in and around them. Trent spends most of his time thinking and dreaming, but luckily his amazing wife Kailey puts a checklist in his hands to make those dreams become a reality. He enjoys anything any sort of competition and will welcome any competition, especially in ping pong and pickleball.

Points of Contact

Evan Gomez

Communications Director

Evan has served as the Communication Director since 2013. He is passionate about using creative media to reach people with the message of Jesus. Evan is constantly learning and looking for ways to improve and gain new design, videography, and technology skills. He married his high school sweetheart, Kelly, in 2013 and has three children: Eisley, Wren, and Milo.

Points of Contact

Kaileigh McCutcheon

Worship Pastor

Kaileigh McCutcheon has been leading worship at Aldersgate since June 2016, but she became the Worship Pastor in 2023. When she's not at Aldersgate, you can find her teaching music at Hodges Elementary. She is passionate about teaching, relationship building, and worship! Kaileigh and her husband, Timothy, got married in December 2018 and are expecting a sweet baby boy this October!

Points of Contact

Ginger Barbee

Missions Director

Ginger has been serving as the Missions Director at Aldersgate since 2019. She is passionate about helping people take their next step in missions. Ginger helps cultivate partnerships with missionaries locally, nationally, and globally. She loves exploring new cultures and bringing people along for the ride. When not at work, you will find Ginger with her husband and four kids traveling together or cooking a big meal together. 

Points of Contact

Drew Parker

Social Media Director + Photographer

Points of Contact

Ray Sanchez

Maintenance Assistant

Points of Contact

Tate Woelfel

Facilities Supervisor

Tate serves as our Facilities Supervisor, diligently working behind the scenes to maintain our church premises. His passion for fixing things and tending to the lawn ensures that Aldersgate Church is in top shape. With Ray’s invaluable assistance, Tate ensures a welcoming environment for all who enter our doors.

Points of Contact

Jeremy Barbee

Pastor, Faith Global Methodist Church

Jeremy serves as the Pastor of Faith Global Methodist Church in New Home. He is a preacher and teacher who works to articulate the gospel message clearly. Jeremy enjoys sharing God’s Word and helping people see how God has and continues to work in the lives of His children. He is a native of Virginia but has lived in Texas since 2011. He and his wife, Ginger, love traveling with their 4 kids.

Points of Contact


Blake Ball


Points of Contact

Brandon King


Points of Contact

Elizabeth Walker


Points of Contact

Jennifer Horn


Points of Contact

Kellye Wilhite


Points of Contact

Shawn Mason


Points of Contact