TRANSFORMED Women's Retreat

Oct 5, 2023
Oct 5-8
Angel Fire, NM
Angel Fire, NM


You are invited to a weekend with women of all ages from various places - all who have a heart for Jesus and a hunger for His truth! Together we will see what it looks like to be TRANSFORMED into His image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord. We will worship, study the Word, break into smaller groups among our friends (and make some new ones), and press into His gifts of love and healing. You will also have time to break away for a walk, hike, afternoon in town, play games with others, or take a nap! Saying yes to this retreat promises to revitalize you and your relationship with the Lord and with others. We can't wait to have you!

The cost of the weekend is $200. This will including three night's lodging, three meals on Friday, three meals on Saturday, and breakfast on Sunday. We do have generous donors who have provided scholarships as well for those in need.

The accommodations are lovely! It's a retreat home in Angel Fire that has a sweet, homey feel. All bedding and towels will be provided as these are fully furnished homes. We will be sharing rooms with a small number of people, so please list one or more roommate options if you would like.

Once you sign up, you'll be looped in with additional information. If you have more questions, you can email the retreat director Angela Carter at
